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Cannot access anything from SSL VPN

Hi guys,

I have just setup SSL VPN with Duo security proxy server. The VPN is working fine, I can log using Sophos Connect, get my Duo confirmation and end up connected with an IP address from the pool.

But then, I can't seem to access anything. My first step is simply to ping the UTM (ping is allowed through ICM) but it does not answer on any interfaces.

Here is a few screens from my actual setup (this is for testing purpose, not the final required setup) :

If you need anything else, just ask me.

Thank you for your help.

Parents Reply
  • I already did the test but nothing.

    In local network of the VPN profil, I used our the subnet which is our real production network (VLAN 5) and as VPN Pool

    I also added a firewall rule to allow the VPN Pool through "Any port" to our network but I still can't ping anything in the network.

    If I perform an ipconfig, is it normal that the Sophos TAP Adapter has no gateway ?
