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Splitting a HA pair for a site move - general process?

Hi all

Thanks in advance for your help on this.  I currently have a pair of UTM 9 firewalls (SG230) running in HA configuration.  We are about to move our office to a new location and my thought process is to prepare for this swap-over by removing the current slave unit, placing it in the new location and then setting this up with the new WAN IP details.  When that's all working as expected, we can move all the infrastructure over and then join both UTMs into HA again.

So, my questions are:

1) Is this a viable process?

2) If so, is there a 'divorce' process when removing the slave, or is it just a case of shutting it down and moving it?

3) I think I've identified all the areas where the new WAN IP addresses need to be changed, but are there any specific areas I need to ensure are updated?

4) I assume that, as the VPN client's .ovpn files have the current external IP address in the 'remote' field, that we will need to get folks to log back into the web interface and download a new .ovpn file once all is up?

Thanks again for your help, all


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