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UTM Up2date 9.716 released

Remember the days when a new update instantly created a discussion, often extending on several pages with hundreds of participants?

For now it seems to be very quiet here - so let me ask if any body has already installed it with more or less success?

I have it on 4 instances now with no notable issues, but however I never ran in one of the issues mentioned in the release notes.

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  • Hi Alan,

    I know exactly what you mean...

    Unfortunately, the UTM has been sidelined and the feedback on it here in the forum will slowly die off.

    We had also hoped to get information about the behaviour of the new version soon, as we had to restore backups in the past if we installed too hastily (due to the critical security updates included in the updates).

    At least your 4 instances are running well, and that's already an indication that there shouldn't be too many problems!
    Many thanks and best regards,


  • It is about time they mark it EoL then, and put the code back into the open source domain, so it can be properly maintained again.

    It is rapidly getting out of date functionally, been waiting for http/2 support for the WAF (simple addition of a apache module and a checkbox in the UI) for years, and now brotli compression is becoming a requirement. And the XG is not an alternative, thanks to the stupid decision to split IPv4 and IPv6, making management complex in a dual-stack environment.

    back OT: update runs fine here, but I've never ran into any of the issues too.

  • Both questions have been answered. UTM is EOL Jul 1st 2026 (i think an earlier date was not possible because of the many licenses sold) and sophos will not make the full code open source - however remember much code already is because of the GPL requirements and some code (e.g the RED network interface) has been donated years ago.

  • I'd missed the EOL anmouncement last month. Where did you get your information about Sophos' plans? And were is the publiced code? I know it runs open source components (been using it from when it was Astaro), but the GUI, scripting and build information is what is relevant.

  • Last month? No - it's 2026, not 2023.

    See the sticky thread:  Sophos UTM/SG Lifecycle Announcement 

    There was a huge discussion 6 months ago in this forum, also because some sort of improper communication (it was mailed to partners first, one partner quoted it here and the hell broke loose).

    Published code is available on a iso where you got the installer from: gpl-asg-9.714-4.1.iso

    But don't expect too much, its all bundled software (like OpenVPN) but not the compiled perl used for the GUI.

  • Last month? No - it's 2026, not 2023.

    See the sticky thread:  Sophos UTM/SG Lifecycle Announcement 

    There was a huge discussion 6 months ago in this forum, also because some sort of improper communication (it was mailed to partners first, one partner quoted it here and the hell broke loose).

    Published code is available on a iso where you got the installer from: gpl-asg-9.714-4.1.iso

    But don't expect too much, its all bundled software (like OpenVPN) but not the compiled perl used for the GUI.
