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Policy Routes and Web Proxy

Hello folks,

I need some help figuring something out. Is it correct that the web-proxy only uses multipath routes and not policy routes?

We have multiple WAN interfaces and all our clients use the web-proxy of our UTM firewall. In order to use some external web services, our requests need to be send from a specific WAN interface. I added policy routes to route the traffic but it the web-proxy is not using this route. If I use multipath routing instead, it works.

Is that behavior correct? The only thing I could find is rule 2.1 from the Rulz  Rulz

Kind regards,


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Parents Reply
  • I'm looking for a specific information about routing an web-proxy. As mentioned above, my policy routes don't affect routing of the web-proxy for the clients. The "same" (interface rule) rule works in multipath routing with the web-proxy. And would like to know if this is expected behavior (web-proxy not affected by policy routes).

    I was wondering if I need the web-proxy port (standard proxy) for the policy route. It's certainly not needed for the multipath route. But I'm going to test it anyway.

    Kind regards,

    Nico Klinger

    Edit: Test failed. Setting the service in the policy route to the web-proxy service had no effect.

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