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Sophos SG135w Wireless Protection diabled, Wifi still available


we have a SG135w, licenced with network protection.
In the past, the Sophos UTM was also licensed with wireless protection and Wifi was managed by it.
Now the license is missing, wireless protection is disabled and therefore not configurable, but it continues to broadcast the networks and you can also log on to them.
How can we switch of the wireless networks?

Thanks for ideas.



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Parents Reply
  • What do you mean with cc?

    Since you ask THIS way, a support case is the better option to go. They can do it safely for you.

    But just for info. cc is a command line tool (you need to open a command line using a ssh client like PuTTY using the "loginuser" credentials) and can be used to alter system values directly.

    In this case it would be MAIN → awe → global → awe_status$ which should be set from "1" to "0".

    But beware, cc is a powerful tool that can cause harm if used incorrectly.

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