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Sophos Connect 2.2.9: Still problems with special characters


Regarding to this thread I create a new one because it is closed already.

We have massive problems with special characters in passwords using Sophos Connect Client.

One year after the other users reported problems with special characters in the other threads, Sophos is still not able to solve this problem (or does not want to solve it)?

It's like a shame! Every one talks about higher and deeper security and Sophos invites me permament to webinars and wants to sell me permanent new security products but when our users have problems authenticating to VPN I have to tell them to use only a small pool of special characters?!?

Could anybody tell us if Sophos is still working on the problem and there is a plan for a new Connect client with no problems or if we need to look for other VPN clients (and consequently for other firewall manucaturers in the next update circle)?

And could anybody provide us a list with all "not allowed" characters in Connect client?

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  • Hello  ,

    Thank you for reaching out to the community, there are couple of known issues will be fixed in future road map of the Sophos Connect client.
    1.) NCL-1763 - password containing two consecutive double quote characters "" - Will fixed in Sophos Connect 2.3.
    2.) NCL-1702 - Special Character issue with username containing "ã" character - Will be fixed in Sophos Connect 2.4.

    Well we do not have the list as of now for the supported list of the special characters, but we'll try to update that soon. 

    Thanks & Regards,

    Vivek Jagad | Team Lead, Global Support & Services 

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  • Hello LHerzog and Vivek Jagad,

    many thanks for your replies!!


    - I can not exaclty tell you every character making problems but definitively the german "Umalute" ä ü ö and also ß making problems. Furthermore % $ § I think. Its a little complicated because I do not want the users to show or tell me his/her passwords so I do not know exactly what characters are causing problems and on what position in the passphrase these characters are. Some users just told me that this characters were the causes.

    - I think it is realy just a Connect Client problem, becaus with the old SSL client there were no problems and users can log in to web frontend to generate OTP codes with there passwords, too.


    Do you know when the 2.4 will be released?

      Also contacted me via PM and said that there will be an product manager contacting me to analyse our problem.


  • Well as of now we do not have a tentative date, but once released it will be posted and updated on the Sophos Community with the release notes.  

    Thanks & Regards,

    Vivek Jagad | Team Lead, Global Support & Services 

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