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IPsec VPN packet not routed


we have configured an ipsec vpn between two sites

SITE A: is a cisco and imnitiate the connection

SITE B: is my utm an respond only

IKE: Auth PSK / Enc AES_CBC_256 / Hash HMAC_SHA1 / Lifetime 28800s / PFS MODP_2048
ESP: Enc AES_CBC_128 / Hash HMAC_SHA1 / Lifetime 3600s

and firewall rules are configured

The tunnel is up without problem but i if I do a tracert from my utm to the remote host I go via default route and not via tunnel

Can someone help me?

Best regards

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Parents Reply
  • >>Also, is this behavior happening to all end machines....

    The vpn is only for one machine on the remote side and only one machine on the local side

    Automatic filrewall rules is unchecked but I've configured manualy the rules;

    another info; the output of command "ip route show table 220" is empty

    Best regards
