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UTM - OpenVPN Client - AES-GCM

So far, SSL VPN under the UTM has worked without any problems with the OpenVPN client.
In the meantime, OpenVPN 2.6RC1 has been released, which requires AES-GCM ciphers. Only with a change in the config file the OpenVPN client can still connect.
data-ciphers AES-128-CBC
data-ciphers-fallback AES-128-CBC

It is a pity that the ciphers are not unlocked under SSL VPN.
Under IPSec they are available. So it is probably a purely strategic decision by Sophos not to enable them under SSL VPN.

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  • I think it is very poor that sophos does not present GCM on openvpn but on ipsec they do. GCM is used almost everywhere instead of cbc. We have vpn routers same age or even older as sophos utm wihich offer GCM and ctr. They are supposed to be faster and more safe as cbc. We think about changing our openssl system.