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SG135 C2000 BUG

Hello, I recently bought a used SG135 rev.1 which has AVR54 bug (I found out about this bug after I buy it).

For others vendors I found a possible fix, but not for Sophos.

There are two (as far as I know) fixes:

1. Replace a atom c2xxx with C0 revision

2. external pull-up resistor (18.2k to 10k), from LPC_CLKOUT0 or LPC_CLKOUT1, tied to 3.3V

Did someone tried to fix this bug? (I use home license, so I don't have any agreement with Sophos).


Best regards,





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  • Ahoj Robert and welcome to the UTM Community!

    I haven't been inside an SG 135, are you telling us that the Atom processor cannot be replaced?

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hello BAlfons, I didn't opened yet, but generally they are soldered to mainboard, so replacement is very, very hard.

    Best regards,


  • You don't replace a resistor you just add a pull-up to right line/resistor (CLK line from CPU which is output doesn't works anymore).

    I cannot tell you on which resistor you add an external pull up (my sg135 still works). But you can try your self.

    What will I do when my die, I will short all resistor on the left top side (look on the picture) with resistor tied to 3.3V. When I find a right place it should power on / boot (I think you must press power on button). 

  • Having also an SG135 with defective Atom C2000, I stumbled upon the Nuvoton I/O Chip on the back of the mainboard, which should be connected to the LPC bus.

    Maybe this is connected to the LPC_CLKOUT in some way, but i did not find anything confirming this. Could be a possible way for a DIY fix.


    The datasheet mentions pin 15 as a Clock-Input for the LPC interface - just guessing...,D.pdf





  • Well, more than I read more confused I am. Someone in this forum fixed LPC_CLKOUT0 with resistor 110 Ohm to 3.3V (actually my first post is not right regarding resistor, correct should be 8.2k to 10k, but this information I can't find anymore). So I'm not sure anymore. All fixes I saw are working with 100 or 110 Ohm resistor.

    So be smart ...

  • Hi Guys,

    I've got a dead SG 135 that I would like to try and fix.

    Does anyone know which pins to connect the resistor? Does anyone have a picture of the workaround?


  • For now everything is pure speculation. Nobody know were to put resistor.

    Try an idea of Andreas. There could be LPC clock in but on the pictures is not visible if PIN15 is actually connected (need better picture of surroundings of NuvoTon NCT6776F chip).

    Did you try to remove the battery for a few minutes? 



    For now, without scheme will be very hard to tell where to put resistor!

  • Hi Robert,

    Thanks for the information. Please see the picture of the Nuvoton chip. I have tried to remove the battery and start the unit again without success.

  • Hello, on this new pictures is visible, that pin 15 is connected to open pin (in fact in two open pins) and one closed pin which I think goes to C910 (yellow dot). Need better picture of red square. From yellow point it goes up on open pin then right (need better picture) to closed pin (capacitor, resistor) and then left (open) and left (open) and finally to pin 15!

    Red dot is 3.3V. Blue dot is pin15 (IOCLK) - This pin maybe wrong for fix, as is connected to 48Mhz clock???

    EDIT: C910 is connected to X9 (it provides 48MHz clock to pin15!!!). Can someone measure this???



       This is pure speculation and without scheme is almost impossible to say to which pin you/we should add a resistor. I'm not responsible for any way!!

  • The synology fix is straighforward because the LPC clock in question is also used (multiplexed) as GPIO, and these GPIO pins are broken out to some sort of unpopulated connector that is easy to solder.

    One of the unused or unpopulated jumper blocks on the the SG125 board may also be GPIO, but JP7 is the only possible candidate I can see with enough pins, and even then it would have to use the same GPIO pins on the C2000 that are mux'd over the LPC clock pins. It should be easy enough to test though.

    Also, these are older pieces of hardware that have probably been running constantly for 4+ years, in all sorts of conditions. If you have a dead one then the C2000 bug is definitely a possibility, but there are plenty of other ways hardware can fail :) The one I am looking at right now started crashing every few days at first, then every few hours, now it won't POST. Lack of POST is definitely the defining symptom of C2000 fault (can't load BIOS from flash), but the crashing out with increasing frequency isn't, so I think my device may actually have a different fault.


  • Hi guys,

    after I tried to solder a modwire on the c910 for further testing the conducter path with the condensator was falling apart...

    Since it is not repariable and my SG135 (out of warranty)  is also bricked because of the SC2000 bug, I decided to give the world little bit back and desoldered  the atom cpu and cleaned the BGA pads and re-fluxed them as good as it gets..

    Maybe someone of you find the appropriate trace from the Atom CPU BGA pin to any solder pad around the cpu. I didn't trace anything yet, just desoldered and made some photos so far, nothing else....

    Bild Bild Bild Bild Bild


    Where is Pin 51???? 






    If anyone sees a solution to our problem ( I got also a second SG135 as well with the same error......)  please feel absolutely free to answer this post and share your knowledge and discovery :-)




    P.S.: If you open the images in a new tab, they are even bigger.... if you want I could give you also a direct 24mpixel download link for the pics. Just PM me.

  • Hi guys,

    after I tried to solder a modwire on the c910 for further testing the conducter path with the condensator was falling apart...

    Since it is not repariable and my SG135 (out of warranty)  is also bricked because of the SC2000 bug, I decided to give the world little bit back and desoldered  the atom cpu and cleaned the BGA pads and re-fluxed them as good as it gets..

    Maybe someone of you find the appropriate trace from the Atom CPU BGA pin to any solder pad around the cpu. I didn't trace anything yet, just desoldered and made some photos so far, nothing else....

    Bild Bild Bild Bild Bild


    Where is Pin 51???? 






    If anyone sees a solution to our problem ( I got also a second SG135 as well with the same error......)  please feel absolutely free to answer this post and share your knowledge and discovery :-)




    P.S.: If you open the images in a new tab, they are even bigger.... if you want I could give you also a direct 24mpixel download link for the pics. Just PM me.

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