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WebAdmin password rest fails


i have reset my webadmin password trough the bootloader change 

but after i set a new password i still cant log back in, what is hapening here.


i want te get back in my firewall and router.


have reset is 3 tines and rebooted the firewall, i am verry diapointed with the sophos home utm firewall.


it ran for sevral days and all of a sudden after the weekend i cant log in any more


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  • Hi Michel,

    It could be an issue with incorrect mapping of keyboard on the VM, did you verify the password you type in clear text on a text file? Try, "admin" as a password, plain text no special characters and update us if that works. 


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hi yes i did because i used a random generator and copy pasted the password in to my password fault wich indeed shows in plain text so i could check if it copeid corectly.


    after i checked that i saved the password in the vault and ticked copy password from there to a notepad password was the same as the webbased ramdom generator showed. 

    from the note i copied it in to the new password fields after the system_password_reset was issued.

    still gave me back invaild username password.

    even after i copied the password from the notepad again.


    I already am setting up opnsense firewall/router i am done with sophos come on suddenly after a weekend of not login in i cant log in anymore and need to change boot loader entries and if that failed i need to reinstall the whole thing again. defenatly not my kind of firewall software.