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AP100c >>> "SSH could not reach the selected AP"

I just bought the AP100c for my Sophos UTM sg105w to expand and upgrade my wifi and give it a (hopefully) 1,3Ghz boost.
But the idea had a problem in the beginning when I realized that the AP100c is only using the 40 MHz and not the 80 MHz band.
I followed the instruction to connect to the UTM via SSH, open a command line (putty) and enter the awetool menu on the shell.
I entered the menu choosing "1 - Connect to an AP" followed by choosing my listed AP (which is the "AP100c"). So far so good.
When trying to connect the awetool realized that SSH wasn't active on the AP100c and asked me wheter to activate SSH on it.
So - for sure - I said "yes". The menu then asked me for a little patience. But - even after a reboot of my UTM - I can't connect.
I always get the "Connecting ..." - which takes approx 1-2 minutes until I get the following error messges from the awetool:

"SSH could not reach the selected AP. Please try again later."

Anyone got the same problem? Just asking because the "Enable SSH?"-question came in the beginning. So SSH must be on (?).
So why the heck isn't the awetool able to connect via SSH to the attached (withe the stock PoE power supply) AP100c right away?
Maybe some had the same problem. Would appreciate any help to access the AP100c and be able to activate the 80 MHz band.

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  • Thanks for the quick reply.

    I realized that I'd the AP100c connect to eth3 over a managed switch (Netgear GS108e) - but this wasn't restricted.
    However. I then attached the AP100c directly to eth3. Unfortunately I still get the same screens and errors. Any idea?

    Is there a way to directly connect (its openWRT based) to the AP100c via SSH to edit the configs to enable the 80Mhz?
    What is the default login (root? admin?) and the default passwort (for openWRT the default passwort is normaly empty).


  • Any chance to get a(nother) reply from you Emmanuel? Or someone else?
    Im still not able to connect to my AP100c through SSL bcos it does not enable.