Bug - AP15 needs reboot as ping becomes high

After moving to v19, I discovered that internet was slow. I discovered that ping from computer to AP was high. A reboot fixed the issue, but I need to reboot it every 4 days.

I tested another AP15 (brand-new) and the issue is the same.

I never had the need to reboot AP since SFOS v15. Strange behavior!

Parents Reply
  • Thanks Rohan for your reply. Nothing against this, but you are cutting our all home users for use wi-fi on XG. Home users won't spend 300€ to buy an APX 120. In this way, you won't get any feedbacks on new feature you will release on XG Wireless controller, unless from people who owns an expensive AP or from people whom are using the XG in their organization. After closing the advanced shell to home users, you are cutting-off even Wireless features. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. This is the power of sharing!
