ATP - turned it off and on and broke some parts of XG

Hi folks,

I  have been trying to workout an issue with my iPhone and my iPad. The iPadconectes to all applications without any issues, theiPhone fails to connect, with have the same CA installed.

I disabled ATP and HTTPS scanning, the iPhone then connected to the failing applications. Move the iPhone to less secure firewall and re-eanble https scanning and ATP on the mail firewall rule.

The results some logs no longer have any updated entries. None of the failing access which were caused by SSL errors according to the application s on theiPhone show in any logs. I have been investigating this for days and not found one denied access in the logs.

But having turned ATP on again, the applications on both devices are very slow and my MBP does not show any log entries.

I will restart the XG to see if that restores normality.


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