Business rule against new Firewall rule - feedback

In version v17, a business rule (DNAT or WAF) uses a different icon and I really appreciated that because scrolling down can give you a straight-vision on how many DNAT or WAF rule were configured. I know that you can use filter, but I think that different icons help.

I suggest to keep the v17 icon and also do differentiate the DNAT icon to WAF icon. Leave DNAT icon and for WAF, create an icon with a firewall (or a server) and http/s on top to indicate that is a WAF rule instead of DNAT.

What other community users think about?

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for your input deepakkhw.

    I know that WAF is not the same, but since WAF template now is under action drop-down menu (which does not make sense) the WAF option or section can be moved somewhere else.

    I took the XG v18 beta course suggested by PMPath and I said, the features in v18 are great but the DNAT rule creation is not "Security made simple".

    I am sure they will consider our feedbacks to change something. It is still a beta version. Creating and managing things from multiple sources it is a great feature and way to do thigs. I am thinking about how web filtering has been implemented on XG. Web filtering (apart the engine which is still not catching some urls categories) the Web filtering Unit devs did a grear job. I love it. Configuring web filtering in XG is simpler and better than UTM9. This is my opinion and also some system admins I know told me the same.

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