Business rule against new Firewall rule - feedback

In version v17, a business rule (DNAT or WAF) uses a different icon and I really appreciated that because scrolling down can give you a straight-vision on how many DNAT or WAF rule were configured. I know that you can use filter, but I think that different icons help.

I suggest to keep the v17 icon and also do differentiate the DNAT icon to WAF icon. Leave DNAT icon and for WAF, create an icon with a firewall (or a server) and http/s on top to indicate that is a WAF rule instead of DNAT.

What other community users think about?

  • Creating a DNAT or even a WAF is not simple as before. I appreciated the v17 feature where users can choose at the beginning what to create. New rule and: it is a normal firewall rule, a business rule? And inside decide if the BAP was a DNAT or WAF rule.

    Sophos: I suggest to also rethink about the way new DNAT and WAF are created on v18. Very bad design in my opinion. WAF option is under "ACTION" drop-down menu?


    From bad to worse!

    I like the NAT tab but not the WAF creation, DNAT creation and also NAT should be managed also in firewall rule even for DNAT. To be honest, DNAT was simpler in v17. This is my personal feedback.

  • Creating a DNAT or even a WAF is not simple as before. I appreciated the v17 feature where users can choose at the beginning what to create. New rule and: it is a normal firewall rule, a business rule? And inside decide if the BAP was a DNAT or WAF rule.

    Sophos: I suggest to also rethink about the way new DNAT and WAF are created on v18. Very bad design in my opinion. WAF option is under "ACTION" drop-down menu?


    From bad to worse!

    I like the NAT tab but not the WAF creation, DNAT creation and also NAT should be managed also in firewall rule even for DNAT. To be honest, DNAT was simpler in v17. This is my personal feedback.
