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SSL VPN User Portal from remote

I have setup SSL VPN from the guide. I have a Draytek router in front of the Sophos XG and all traffic forwards to the SXG.

However, unable to get to the User Portal from external. I have changed port number and I tried VPN, Show VPN Settings and used override Hostname with FQDN, but still cannot connect to User Portal.

Update - I have found another post ( with similar scenario, where the WAN option for User Portal was not ticked. However, that has made no difference - still no connection to Portal from external

From same threed above, it is Gateway mode 

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  • Paul,

    if you have a public IP on your router, you do not need other rules. Make sure user portal is enabled on wan zone (Administration > device access).

    If you do not have a public ip (only dynamic) configure your XG to use dynamic DNS under Network > dynamic dns.

    Connect a computer on your WAN side and check if you can reach user portal using https://wanip


  • Paul,

    if you have a public IP on your router, you do not need other rules. Make sure user portal is enabled on wan zone (Administration > device access).

    If you do not have a public ip (only dynamic) configure your XG to use dynamic DNS under Network > dynamic dns.

    Connect a computer on your WAN side and check if you can reach user portal using https://wanip

