Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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AV filtering causes websites not to load correctly


An issue started yesterday whereby clients were not displaying websites correctly, (no images etc) and bringing up certificate revocation errors.

With the HTTP scanning turned off, all works fine.

No rules on the FW have been changed in weeks. I have carried out reboots this morning as well.

Currently HTTP scanning is off, but this is obviously not a good position to be in.

Box is XG430, running 15.01 MR2.

I have noticed that my box (well boxes as I have 2, one at each end of a vpn) that they are not updating AV etc. I know not to expect definitions daily etc, but these haven't updated in months. Also, when I do a firmware check on the boxes, I don't get any update either.

Any ideas?


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