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Can log in by CLI, but not GUI


Yesterday all was fine, but this morning, I can only access the XG210 by CLI, not through the GUI were I get Login Failed.

Have rebooted appliance.

Any ideas? On 15.01.0 MR-1.1 Build 407


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Parents Reply
  • Pete, this is very strange. Maybe you locked you out using a policy rule or wrong device access.

    Type the following command from console:

    system appliance_access enable

    and then try to access the XG via GUI.

    If it works, check device access and reset the password from GUi then reboot.

  • All system appliance_access enable seemed to do was shut down all traffic on my WAN interface without warning :( (thankfully a reboot fixed that), still not able to log into the GUI. I don't have any patches installed that i'm aware of, I just set this up yesterday and set up a few port forward rules so far, and those appear to all still be working.

  • Pete,

    try this:

    See if resetting the password using the SF loader does the trick.

  • No luck with that way either. It changed the password for the local console back to admin but still get Login Failed on the web GUI.

  • Ok, this is strange. On a whim I decided to shut it down completely and cold boot and now I can log back into the GUI with the default password. I changed it and the new password is working now - for now.

  • Ok, now after sitting all night I can't log in again. I tried resetting the password through the console and the SF loader, still can't log into the GUI this time. The first time I reset via SF loader I couldn't even log into the local console, I had to reboot it and reset the password again before it took. Very frustrating, i'm looking into other options for my firewall needs at this point because I don't know if I can trust this one even if I get the GUI working again.

  • Really strange behaviour Pete.

    Is your clock synchronized correctl? Does the BIOS keep the configuration?

    Try to reinstall the XG from scratch without importing the config and see how is going then import the config and test again.

  • It working with me but should reboot appliance after apply this command

    and for Cyberoam I use this command line

    cyberoam appliance_access enable

    Saleem Nasser
    Network and Security Eng.

  • I have been having a similar issue. However, it might be that nothing more than patience is required.  After booting the sophos, the device CONSOLE/CLI is available pretty much immediately.  Some minutes later, the services start working and network connected devices can then access the internet. It is LATER STILL before the webgui goes live. And depending on your CPU (mine is an Atom D525) then this delay can be well over 5 minutes.  So, you can have the impression that the webgui is faulty/not working (giving dead pages) whereas the CLI is working, however, before you waste a lot of time trying to solve something that isn't actually broken, just go and have a coffee, come back 10 minutes later, and see if it is working.  This is very frustrating, because when you set up a sophos device, you want to access through the webgui, but it takes a very long time before it becomes responsive.

    ? Is there a setting somewhere so that the webgui boots earlier?