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Can log in by CLI, but not GUI


Yesterday all was fine, but this morning, I can only access the XG210 by CLI, not through the GUI were I get Login Failed.

Have rebooted appliance.

Any ideas? On 15.01.0 MR-1.1 Build 407


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  • Richard,

    when you try to access the Web Interface, what erro do you have? The page is not displayed?


  • Sorry, meant to post something sooner to say what the situation was, but it's been a long couple of days and it slipped my mind.

    Apparently there is a bug in the HTTP patch where it can't be applied to MR1.1 systems. That's what caused the issue.

    What I was getting was cli access, but the gui login page displayed, but kept on saying login denied when entering the credentials.

    Sophos XG Certified Administrator

  • Sorry, meant to post something sooner to say what the situation was, but it's been a long couple of days and it slipped my mind.

    Apparently there is a bug in the HTTP patch where it can't be applied to MR1.1 systems. That's what caused the issue.

    What I was getting was cli access, but the gui login page displayed, but kept on saying login denied when entering the credentials.

    Sophos XG Certified Administrator
