Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

Firewall Rule block internet access when placed on top (Sophos XG330 (SFOS 20.0.0 GA-Build222))

Hello Community,

I am facing a challenge in getting a rule to block social media and video hosting to work. I created an application filter and web policy to block all social media and video hosting. Created the rule and placed it at the top. It blocked all internet access when on top and when rule is turned off, internet access works. Anywhere else that the rule is placed, nothing happens and social media is still working. I want to find out how to get this to work without blocking internet when placed at the top and also why internet access is blocking.

Below the rule configs

Web Policy

Application filter

Edited TAGs
[edited by: Erick Jan at 4:02 PM (GMT -7) on 2 Sep 2024]