Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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my network exposed


today i tried to ipscan my network with a very larg range to check my network, the result shows there are many ranges that i am not aware of and they are not in my network, i ping them and i was able to run some ips in the browsers shows they are switches but not in my network, i took off my internet connection and they disappears which mean they are outside, i took my pc and plug it side by side with sophos and i was able to view my entire network. moreover, i made the rule to use only http and https protocols and still i am exposed, i cant ping anything inside my network but i can see them. how come i can scan my network and sophos let me go out side and the same to when i am outisde shows what is inside?

looking for your reply

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Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    can you show as a little diagram to understand from where you are scanning when say you "plug it side by side with sophos" ?

    And what exactly do you mean by using "a large range" ?

    Can you show us a sreenshot of your scanning results?

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

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