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Grub read error

Dear community

Today we had a problem with two XG 135 firewalls. The two firewalls where configured to run in a active-passive HA cluster.

A little while back the passive unit went to a faulty state.

We asked our customer try restarting the faulty unit but it didn't go back to the Auxiliary state.

Today I went to the customer trying to troubleshoot the problem. I wanted to re initiate the HA cluster by disable it on the active unit, factory reset the passive unit and reconfigure HA on the active unit.

When I tried to reset/restart the passive unit I got the following message:

It didn't matter if i pressed 'DEL' 'ESC' or 'F7', With all the options it went to the following error:

Anyone know how to resolve this problem? I was thinking of adding a new image on the firewall via usb, but really want to know if there are any other solutions to this problem.

Thanks in advance!

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Parents Reply
  • Dear Erick,

    This morning i tried to re-image the XG 135 with the same version as the still working firewall at the customer. That one runs at build 18.5.2 MR-2-Build380. Sadly i can only find the two newer versions (19 & 19.5) on the Sophos license portal. Is there any way to still get an image of this exact version?

    Otherwise I need to upgrade the working firewall what creates downtime at the customer. And yeah, that's the whole reason we put two firewalls in HA at our customers of course.

    If there is no way to download this image, I think I'm going to create a case for it.

    Thank in advance!
