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SSL VPN Static IP address results in route issues.

Hello there,

When i have the static IP Address disabled in my SSL Global Config it works fine, the firewall can reach all the devices connected through VPN. 

The issue comes when I enable the Static IP Address in SSL VPN Global Config, When I assign an IP to the same device the firewall can't communicate to it, and sends all the traffic through the WAN. The VPN connects on the device but it can't reach the firewall, neither the internal resources. I think the issue is in the /25 subnet that it assigns to the static IP address but not sure about it. I changed the route_precedence configuration to this order: vpn static sd-wan. still didn't work, any idea how to solve this?. you can see the configuration down here:

Thanks in advance 

Edit: when I checked the route table in CLI I got this. the broadcast ends in the x.x.x.127. the routes to the rest of the subnet doesn't exist. but it should create them automatically... 

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