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Installing Tunnelblick on mac to connect to XGS126 SLL VPN

I am trying to help a mac user to connect to our SSL VPN. Using the Sophos client connect app. It is not supported on mac according to sophos support. Sophos support sent me instructions on setting up Tunnelblick however as is often the case, the instruction differ from what I'm seeing. the instructions say to use the user portal to download the configuration files by going to the SSL VPN tab and clicking on "Download Configuration for Other OSs" When I go to the user portal there is no such tab there is only a VPN tab and on that tab the links there is only  "Download for Windows, macOS, Linux" and "Download for Android and iOS"

The instructions seem to be outdated, will the  config file that downloads when I click "Download for Windows, macOS, Linux" work with Tunnelblick? is there a better option for mack then TunnelBlick? and help would be appreciated. 

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