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Captcha for User Portal not working


I have several firewalls on which no captcha is displayed in the user portal, although it is configured. Traffic is coming from zone WAN.

console> system captcha-authentication-vpn show
Captcha authentication status on the VPN zone:
Webadmin console: disabled
User portal: enabled
console> system captcha-authentication-global show
Captcha authentication status:
Webadmin console: disabled
User portal: enabled

I also restarted tomcat.

SFV2C4_VM01_SFOS 19.5.0 GA-Build197# service tomcat:restart -ds nosync
200 OK

Any other ideas where to look?


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  • Hello,

    Good day and Thanks for reaching out to Sophos Community and hope you are well. 

    Few Queries:

    - Was this previously working before? If yes, Since when this issue occurred and if there's any config changes?

    -How many users are affected by the issue?

    -May we check if you tried disabling and enable Captcha again in console:  system captcha-authentication-global disable/enable

    -Do you have SSL RA VPN configured? if yes, what would be the listening port of SSLVPN and UserPortal? Please check if SSL/Userportal are duplicate listening port

    Kindly let us know how it goes. Many thanks for your time and patience and thank you for choosing Sophos


    Raphael Alganes
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Thanks for the hint.
    The problem occurs in environments where the same port is used for the user portal and SSLVPN.

    But there is no indication that captcha will no longer work.

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