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XG450 Locally signed Certificate for LAN IP

I've been trying to get locally signed Certificate to work for the firewall's LAN IP. Unfortunately with all effort i tried, microsoft edge still consider firewall's page as non-secured. However when switched to public ip instead, it works. 
Currently on XG450 firmware SFOS 18.5.4 MR-4-Build418

The below doesn't work.

This work however.

is LAN IP not workable ?

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Parents Reply
  • I did followed the settings exactly like what you mentioned.
    However, it didn't work out. Which is why i find it weird.
    According to my understanding , locally signed certificate shouldn't be that difficult.
    That's why i wanted to know if there's a way to find where i configured wrong.
    I believe the KB articles had some missing info.
    Assumingly the kb was done to only cover sophos xg firewall for those who already know how to configure it.
    However, some details are seriously lacking.
