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XG not available when creating SD-WAN Connection Group

We have 3 XG firewalls managed in Central, 1 XG135 and 2 XG115. When I try to create an SD-WAN Connection Group only the XG135 and 1 of the XG115 show in Available Firewalls. All 3 are running v19.0.0, all are licensed for Central Orchestration, and none are part of a previous Connection Group.

Anyone know where to start troubleshooting this?

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  • We are in a similar position.  We are rolling out 4 Sophos FWs with the intent to connect them in an SDWan group.
    3 of the 4 firewalls are physical (2 x XGS126, 1xXGS2300), the fourth is a virtual firewall (SFV4C6).  The virtual firewall is the only one that doesn't show up as available to include in the group, and unfortunately it's the one that's needed the most.

    I've opened a support case (yesterday), but don't have an answer just yet. Was wondering if the referenced re-sync was beneficial?

  • We are in a similar position.  We are rolling out 4 Sophos FWs with the intent to connect them in an SDWan group.
    3 of the 4 firewalls are physical (2 x XGS126, 1xXGS2300), the fourth is a virtual firewall (SFV4C6).  The virtual firewall is the only one that doesn't show up as available to include in the group, and unfortunately it's the one that's needed the most.

    I've opened a support case (yesterday), but don't have an answer just yet. Was wondering if the referenced re-sync was beneficial?
