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Heartbeat issues as per Resolved Advisory notice


I have been receiving e-mails from Sophos advising one or more of my XGs does not have current version. So, today I decided to investigate further.

1/. a brand new XG115w with the latest version of the software according to the notice still has the issue.

2/, after upgrading the XG115w to v19 EAP 2 the issue is still present.

3/. the instructions in the Resolved Advisory do not work on Safari using an Apple keyboard, I get full control of the volume  of the speakers.

So, please advise how to fix the issue?


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Parents Reply
  • ahh yeah, I've had these in the past. Sure the fix was running some commands at the advanced shell that rejigs things. I've just checked the article link I received from Sophos but it's 404 now, I did find some notes to check the expiry here, may or may not be relevant:

    • Connect to the SSH CLI shell
    • select 5 then 3 
    • type /conf/certificate/internalcas
    • openssl x509 -in ./cloud-ca.crt -text -noout


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