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Clear Memory without rebooting in Sophos XG

Hi Community,

Is there a way to clear memory (RAM) without rebooting in Sophos XG firewall? its firmware is SFOS 18.0.5 MR-5-Build586.

Memory went up to 90% last week. We rebooted the Sophos XG firewall. Then, Memory came back to around 30%. Now it has been running since 5 days. Now Memory has gone up to 75%.

Is there a way to clear memory (RAM) without rebooting in CLI mode? otherwise we will have to reboot again.


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  • Hello Indunil,

    Thank you for contacting the Sophos Community.

    I would recommend you open a case to get this investigated, however, run the mentioned below after you reboot the Firewall, from the advanced shell. (5>3)

    # atop -M 3600 -w /var/atop_output.raw

    Once the memory utilization reaches out 90% and if it doesn't go down, reboot the firewall and provide that file to support to start their investigation, and share the Case ID with me.

    Additionally to the command please also provide a screenshot of the Graphic Utilization (Diagnostics >> System Graphs >> Memory Usage, and filter by week and month.


    Emmanuel (EmmoSophos)
    Technical Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Thanks a lot for your reply. 

    What does this below command do?

     atop -M 3600 -w /var/atop_output.raw

    how long will it run? 3600? one hour? once the command is executed, will we have to stop it by pressing Crtl+C or will it come to an end?

    Meanwhile I upgraded to SFOS 18.5.1. Still investigating. 

    This firmware fixes the below issue.

    • NC-71996 [SNMP] SNMPD memory usage keeps increasing


    We are running SNMP. Anyway We disabled it on previous version and ran the firewall for 3 days. But, Memory increased. 

    Anyway, I opened a ticket. They asked me to flush all records. I did it. But, Nothing improved. They asked me to inform it on 1 October? But I could NOT since I was busy. When I tried to reply at night on the same day ( 1 October) , I have got a reply from sophos support saying it was closed. 

    Hope to hear from you.

  • The atop command appears to keep track of the top memory users (-M), outputting once per hour (3600 seconds) and writing to the specified file (-w). If you leave it running in an interactive manner, you can watch the display yourself and eventually type "q" to quit. (I assume if you SSH into the appliance, that doesn't time out, so you can leave it running interactively.)

  • The atop command appears to keep track of the top memory users (-M), outputting once per hour (3600 seconds) and writing to the specified file (-w). If you leave it running in an interactive manner, you can watch the display yourself and eventually type "q" to quit. (I assume if you SSH into the appliance, that doesn't time out, so you can leave it running interactively.)

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