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Sophos XG WAF Exchange 201x, Problem with attachment size greater 1 MB


when will this finally be solved? I already have 2 customers who have this problem. And it is always a chore to explain to the support what they have to do.
I'm slowly cursing the day I switched to V18.


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  • This will not be resolved shortly as this change is a modsecurity change in the new version. Therefore the new modsecurity version is blocking attachments bigger then 1 MB. To increase this filter on a global scale would be a to high risk for most customers. Therefore the solution is to implement a switch within the product to be able to adjust this. There are roadmap items to adjust this but actually from my experience, this change should be done within minutes. How do you address this issue with the support? Maybe the community team can help you with the opening of such a case by reviewing both cases. 


  • This will not be resolved shortly as this change is a modsecurity change in the new version. Therefore the new modsecurity version is blocking attachments bigger then 1 MB. To increase this filter on a global scale would be a to high risk for most customers. Therefore the solution is to implement a switch within the product to be able to adjust this. There are roadmap items to adjust this but actually from my experience, this change should be done within minutes. How do you address this issue with the support? Maybe the community team can help you with the opening of such a case by reviewing both cases. 

