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WAF stops processing requests

I have the same issue posted about here XG WAF stops working without error - Discussions - Sophos (XG) Firewall - Sophos Community. All WAF rules stop being processed seemingly random. This has been an issue since upgrading to v18.0.4. I am currently on 18.0.5 MR-5-Build586 an have experienced the same issue. The WAF stops responding, the service still runs, must stop WAF then Start WAF. Then all WAF rules are good again.

What was the outcome of the now closed thread? XG WAF stops working without error - Discussions - Sophos (XG) Firewall - Sophos Community

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Parents Reply
  • We have had this happen today and constantly over the logs past year. Every time we open a case, they can’t resolve it because it doesn’t say anything in the logs that there is a problem, but there is. We have 7 firewalls and 4 of the 7 show this problem.

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