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Could not generate config file. Please contact your Administrator. After update to XG V.18

Hi, after updating to v.18, I perform the Configuration Download for other OSs

When downloading comes a 66MB file, opening the file, instead of having the certificate info, it has the following message: Could not generate config file. Please contact your Administrator.

What can I do to resolve this issue?

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  • 1. run the following SSH commands

    psql -U nobody -d signature -p 5434 -tAc "delete from public.tblup2dateinfo where module='sslvpn'";
    rm -rf /content/sslvpn*;

    2. update SSL VPN pattern in XG webadmin > Backup & Firmware > Pattern Updates, click on 'Update pattern now'

  • 1. run the following SSH commands

    psql -U nobody -d signature -p 5434 -tAc "delete from public.tblup2dateinfo where module='sslvpn'";
    rm -rf /content/sslvpn*;

    2. update SSL VPN pattern in XG webadmin > Backup & Firmware > Pattern Updates, click on 'Update pattern now'

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