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IPS service makes CPU up to 100% this morning

Dear All,

Since the support portal is still disable today, I only can share the issue over community.

This morning two of our customers found their XG's CPU was up to 100%.

And the network become unstable.

Stop the IPS service will resolve the issue.

But when restart IPS service, CPU is up to 100% again!

The firmware version is 17.5.14 MR-14.

My office's XG is this version too, but the issue didn't happen in my office.

Any suggestion?


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  • I think this problem have not been resolved completely,because after upgrade to 18.17.79,we still have the CPU high problem。

    and our customer says that the sevice pass through XG still have some problem,especially Outlook connect to Exchange Server,always show username/password popup windows,or show disconnect,any suggestion? 

  • I think this problem have not been resolved completely,because after upgrade to 18.17.79,we still have the CPU high problem。

    and our customer says that the sevice pass through XG still have some problem,especially Outlook connect to Exchange Server,always show username/password popup windows,or show disconnect,any suggestion? 
