Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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XG Firewall v18 MR-4: Feedback and experiences

New Thread to cover changes / feedback / experiences. 

"Old" MR3 Thread:

Release Notes:

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  • It is a single filrewall. I've updated the XG yesterday in the morning (it is more than 24 hours ago, the reboot is also more the 24 hours ago). I cleared the browser cache and use a private session, still shown as MR3. I also tested it with another PC, which normaly does not use the Central Console but shown as MR3 too.

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  • Still the old version shown in Central? Can you check on the XG Firmware images, that MR4 is actually loaded? Just to be sure? 
