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AP55 - WLAN interruption every x minutes since firmware 11.0.014


since I installed the firmware 11.0.014 the network interrupts every x minutes.

The SSID is not visible for 1-2 seconds and all devices disconnected.

Does anyone have an idea? Is a downgrade of the firmware possible? 

I have added the device completely new to Sophos XG


2020-10-22 23:00:21 [A4002D6F0FD716C] device not authorized yet, dropping.
2020-10-22 23:00:35 [MASTER] start processing configuration change
execute_command_tcp: read(): Interrupted system call
execute_command_tcp: read(): Interrupted system call
2020-10-22 23:00:42 [MASTER] AP A4002D6F0FD716C: Local metadata updated
2020-10-22 23:00:42 [MASTER] AP A4002D6F0FD716C: Configuration change detected
2020-10-22 23:00:42 [MASTER] end processing configuration change
2020-10-22 23:00:42 [MASTER] start processing configuration change
2020-10-22 23:00:49 [MASTER] end processing configuration change
2020-10-22 23:00:49 [MASTER] start processing configuration change
2020-10-22 23:00:56 [MASTER] end processing configuration change
2020-10-22 23:00:56 [MASTER] new connection from
2020-10-22 23:00:56 [MASTER] new connection from
2020-10-22 23:00:56 [A4002D6F0FD716C] AP55 from identified as A4002D6F0FD716C
2020-10-22 23:00:56 Could not read from file '/tmp/awed/': No such file or directory
2020-10-22 23:00:56 [A4002D6F0FD716C] AP55 from identified as A4002D6F0FD716C
2020-10-22 23:00:56 Could not read from file '/tmp/awed/': No such file or directory
2020-10-22 23:00:56 [A4002D6F0FD716C] (Re-)loaded identity and/or configuration
2020-10-22 23:00:56 [A4002D6F0FD716C]The connection is closed.
2020-10-22 23:00:56 [A4002D6F0FD716C] error while writing to socket, dropping.
2020-10-22 23:00:56 [A4002D6F0FD716C] (Re-)loaded identity and/or configuration
2020-10-22 23:01:30 [MASTER] updating DB for AP A4002D6F0FD716C with new channels (0,0 -> 6,100)

Best regards

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Parents Reply Children
  • even "-" should be avoided? I guess this hits a lot of customers, us included.

    Having permanently restarting radios due to WPA2 Enterprise with RADIUS with 11.0.012, waiting for a fix and the (probably) fixed firmware 11.0.014 has an other bug that lets SSIDs restart due to "special" characters like the commonly used -

    Then at the same time there was the issue with unsupported spaces in the SSID name, also causing restarting radios in loop. Something that any consumer WiFi router that I know is capable of.

    What's going on with the WiFi product development?

  • Hi folks,

    having removed the '-' from my SSIDs appears to have fixed connection issues with  5ghz SSIDs. I have not checked the 2.4ghz SSIDs yet.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 GA

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