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Issue with my SOPHOS XG86

Hi Sophos Support,

Can someone assist me. I am having issues with one of my firewall in our remote site. My VPN site to site is not working. When I tried to access my firewall here is what I get.

Please advise.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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  • Hi Emmanuel, This happened yesterday. The problem I cannot access the webadmin page to change some settings or troubleshoot network issues. There is a VPN configured in my firewall now I have a problem wherein some users cannot connect. I cannot check since webadmin is not working. I also cannto do a restart since there are lots of users connected 24/7. Is there a way to fix this in the command line using SSH? Please advise. Rodney

  •  :  Hi Rodney, Based on the issue snapshot, issue is suspected to GUI related service tomcat.

    Can you check and confirm tomcat service status via below command? Is it in running state or in stopped or DEAD state?

    #service -S | grep tomcat

    If tomcat is stopped/dead then that could be due to /tmp partition full issue or any other issue related to tomcat service it self. 

    To check /tmp partition ( it it near to 100)  confirm via below command:
    #df -kh 

    In both of the above reasons (tmp or service related issue) I would suggest to open a support case to take it further.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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  •  :  Hi Rodney, Based on the issue snapshot, issue is suspected to GUI related service tomcat.

    Can you check and confirm tomcat service status via below command? Is it in running state or in stopped or DEAD state?

    #service -S | grep tomcat

    If tomcat is stopped/dead then that could be due to /tmp partition full issue or any other issue related to tomcat service it self. 

    To check /tmp partition ( it it near to 100)  confirm via below command:
    #df -kh 

    In both of the above reasons (tmp or service related issue) I would suggest to open a support case to take it further.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

    Sophos Support Videos | Knowledge Base  |  @SophosSupport | Sign up for SMS Alerts |
    If a post solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.
