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web exceptions not working


i have 3 XG sophos and the web exceptions is not working on any of them 

per example : ^([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?login.superservice\.com/?  wont open the page

if i go to on a non firewall pc it works but not on xg


same for , i have to open everything for it to work 


what should i do , i need specific websites only to work for everyone 

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  • Hi,

    I just tried the login to the site and did not require an exception.

    What web and application policies are you using that cause the site to require an exception?

    When to try to login what does the log viewer -> web show as the failing reason?


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • i want to block all internet for certain people except this website 

    nothing is shown on the logs 

    support is working remotely to verify


  • same doesnt open

  • Traffic can be blocked by IPS and Application control.

    Did you check their logs?

  • according to support : The web exceptions would only for for web filter module. As firewall would have a higher priority over web filter the traffic will no go to the web component. In this setup you have two options. 1) create a FQDN for selected sites or 2) set the firewall rule 1 as allow and use web filter Deny All. Then the policy of web exceptions would work. Also set application filter while using option 2 to block applications so they would not use a tool to bypass the firewall. In your setup I would advise option 1 as list of allowed websites is limited.


    So if u want to allow some websites for all or several folks only you have to create a firewall rule with destination the fqdn of the sites you want


    had to check with google network debugger to allow all the fqdn needed and it works - but i still believe the exception should be prior to firewall