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Apple ID Error


I'm stumbling my way through getting our MDM all up and running, but I've made good process so far. Android is easy, Apple is a pain. Anyways, I've had mixed results with iOS. The issue I'm having now is whenever I try to push an app out, I will get a message on the iPhone saying the Apple ID cannot be used to make purchases. This is strange, as I have used this Apple ID before to download apps. I did reset the device and re-enrolled it before this message started appearing. I also noticed that I cannot remove the pre-installed apps when I hold onto them, which I could before I reset the device.

Does anyone have any ideas? We are enrolled in Apple Business, and I have created a couple of accounts in there to test out. I have other things I want to get working (Like home screen configurations and some other things), but this is more important. Any help is appreciated!


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Parents Reply
  • Good morning Stefan,

    That might have something to do with it, but we aren't using Apple Education, we are using Apple Business. It seems like some of those features are on by default, but I turned them off in our Sophos MDM / DEP enrollment. I didn't see an option though for restricting app installations, so I'm not sure why it isn't allowing it.
