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Can't enroll windows 10 device with SMC

Hi all,

I'm trying manage my windows 10 device with Sophos Mobile 8.0.5. But when I enroll device with packet is downloaded from SMC server, I have happend like picture below

I tried manual config but still failed

Then how do I fix it?

Thanks all!

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  • Hi  

    What is the Windows 10 version using?  If your Windows 10 version is not one among these,  Windows 10 Threshold 2 (1511) or higher (editions: Pro, Enterprise, Education, Home, S), you will not be able to enroll the device into Sophos Mobile. 

    also, Please check the local event log in that machine:  

    In the local event log, Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostic-Provider -> Admin

    Here you will find an indicator what may have caused the issue. 


    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Thanks Haridoss,

    I resolved it. I trusted Certificate on client --> done

    - XG v17 Technician Certificate -