central not working for me just now 1025 BST 13th april

just me?

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[edited by: Gladys at 2:19 AM (GMT -7) on 20 Apr 2023]
  • Hello All, 

    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this. We're currently checking with our internal team why this issue happened. We'll keep you all posted here on this thread. 

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

    The New Home of Sophos Support Videos!  Visit Sophos Techvids
  • had these login errors on all sophos websites in the morning, recently it was working.

    community, central and support portal all were not working

    something I picked up this morning:


    XG's TLS log showed: server did not respond to client hello


    never seen a webserver writing error messages in the URL..

  • had these login errors on all sophos websites in the morning, recently it was working.

    community, central and support portal all were not working

    something I picked up this morning:


    XG's TLS log showed: server did not respond to client hello


    never seen a webserver writing error messages in the URL..

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