Under Review

Sophos Intercept X for Mobile help documentation (Android) - suggest addition of simple examples or further reference links.


I know you are primarily an enterprise solution provider, however I'm a retired engineer (not EE) who has found Intercept X to be a marvelous netsec tool. Many thanks on behalf of we individual users!

What I would like to see added to the Help sections, where appropriate, is the addition of simple examples, reference links, and/or summation terms for searches. Multi-factor authentication is a semi-wobbly concept for me at present (retired non-EE engineer.) While your help section gives clear easy instruction on how to activate with caveats, myself and I'm sure other individuals need a better grasp of it's use to allow proper use of this extremely valuable (and I realize free) service.

I understand if it is beyond your purview as a public service, however I believe it would also be of value to some of your enterprise users.


Mark Capoferri - mark.capoferri@gmail.com
and apologies for any formatting errors, Gmail-Gboard isn't format notation friendly. 

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