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Removable Media Scanning on insertion?


I've looked though the forums and only really see the same two posts about this from 5 years ago.

Has this functionality been added to Sophos? I'm not finding it in the Management Console and am hoping that there is a way to do this now.

I look forward to your reply,


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  • Hello Christian,

    Mainly the inherit risks that are associated with USB's. If we were able to have on insertion capabilities to be able to scan for autorun.infs and other potential threats and allow the USBs to be read only, then it could potentially be a viable option. As that doesn't seem the case, ( minus the read only ), we're better off continuing to block the capability all together.

  • Hello Ryan,

    autorun.inf is (as the other files potentially called by it) opened by standard means and thus subject to an on-access scan (apart from that autorun should be disabled anyway). As said, an automatic scan wouldn't be able to detect more than on-access. And consider the case that the threat couldn't be cleaned - unless the device is blocked until the scan finishes (this might be a serious impact on usability, there are already TByte devices) and is subsequently disabled the endpoint wouldn't be protected without on-access scanning being active. And, BTW, there's an automatic boot sector scan upon insertion to alert you of harmful bootable devices. Furthermore, that a device is R/W doesn't pose a threat (this is a consideration in conjunction with data leakage).

    IMO the desire for such an automatic scan is a relic of ancient times, the age of floppy discs, INT13h, and someone or somecompany who said isn't it cool that it runs on its own and all you have to do is slot it in?
