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Clients showing as disconnected until I restart message router (Windows 10 1709)

Really annoying problem:

clients show as disconnected from the console at every reboot. I have to then restart message router service (Which is already running).

I have checked firewall ports are open (Which they are)

checked logs, no errors.

Anyone else know how to fix this? I have other 1709 clients which are not experiencing this issue and some that are.

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Parents Reply
  • Hello dubsdj,

    as you see the last activity is from a month ago. Posts suggest that it's a "cooperative issue", i.e. it seems to surface only with Windows 10 1709 and RMS
    I'd expect that it can be determined what has been changed since RMS though there's not always a direct cause-effect chain and it might be almost impossible to determine the critical factor.
    I'd suggest that you open a support ticket even if it won't help immediately (or not at all) so that it becomes clearer that it is not an isolated issue.

