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Email Notifications for Different Alerts to Different Groups - Not Possible?

When malware or a virus is discovered, I want all the members of a particular group emailed.

When a computer is out of date or has a policy apply problem, ie a yellow alert type of item, I want the members of another group emailed.

When someone tries to go to a site they're not allowed as per policy, I want the members of a 3rd group emailed.

I was checking around and I could have sworn I read a few comments saying that this isn't possible to setup. I poke around in my Sophos Central config area and couldn't figure out how to do it.

I absolutely cannot believe that Sophos will tell me - with a straight face - that I can't do this on my Enterprise level antivirus product that I'm spending thousands of dollars a year on.

Please, someone, anyone, prove me wrong and tell me how to change my notification emails.

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  • Frankly Karlos that's pretty freaking sad. My battery backups have the ability to send different alerts to different email addresses. My routers, my switches, my NAS, my $120 Brother laser printer can do it. I am actually hard pressed to find any piece of network equipment or enterprise software in my environment that can't do what I'm asking Sophos Central to do. So, uh, congratulations, I think?

    My boss is an Admin in Sophos Central for the once a year time he may want to get in there to look at the policies. Yet he receives all these emails from Sophos as soon as a computer goes out of date because it's been off the network for a week when a user is on vacation. He has to waste his time worrying about a very scary sounding but ultimately benign error because I can't tell Sophos not to send it to him and instead only send it to the lower tech support people.

    Not having that feature built into the product is embarrassing, Sophos. Really, really sad. I'm tempted to cancel my Sophos Central simply because it makes me wonder: if Sophos can't see the usefulness of this basic functionality when they designed the product, how many other things have slipped through the cracks?

  • Certainly this is possible now, 5 months after complaining about it and adding it as a Feature request? All I want to do is email different people depending on the alert.

    That's it.