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Sophos installation failed

Hello all,

Today I run SophosSetup.exe as administrator, the network is internet , but the installation failed (prompt: Failed to extract the installation package).

i tried many times , it still failed, anyone who knows why?  

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  • The file you download from Sophos Central is known as the stage 1 installer and is very lightweight.  It's only real job is to pull down the stage 2 part of the installer which is the part more frequently updated.

    You can name SophosSetup.exe anything you like if you want to version it and it's very rare for an older version to be a problem as it primarily just pulls down the hosted stage 2. 

    If there are new command line switches added or it is re-signed, then it is perhaps more important to get the latest if you need the new switches it passes through to stage 2.

    The file is an unauthenticated link unique to the account, so it maybe that any deployment scripts can just pull the latest file. E.g. as a PS command:

    iwr "[unique]/SophosSetup.exe" -outfile SophosSetup.exe

    I hope that helps.

  • thank you very much, now i got the newest version of sophos V1.19 from my IT manager, the problem is solved.  :)

  • thank you very much, now i got the newest version of sophos V1.19 from my IT manager, the problem is solved.  :)