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Sophos Central - "Invalid command line parameters" showing on precheck upon installing SophosSetup.exe

Hi everyone! do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this precheck error?

we already tried to reinstall it and use sophosZap for clean uninstallation .

we used SophosInstall.exe installer instead os SophosSetup.exe but it is still not working

we tried to  install it using cli and declare the --customertoken to ensure that the --customertoken is the same as the one in the partner portal but it still showing that error. 

invalid command line parameter

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  • Hi Rochelle,

    Are you copying the same example command line from the csv file on Partner Portal?  Try swapping single quotation marks for double or vise versa for the --customertoken switch.  You might simply need to replace the quotation marks if the copy changed them to a symbol that looks like quotation marks.  Does this issue happen with other customers?

  • Hi Rochelle,

    Are you copying the same example command line from the csv file on Partner Portal?  Try swapping single quotation marks for double or vise versa for the --customertoken switch.  You might simply need to replace the quotation marks if the copy changed them to a symbol that looks like quotation marks.  Does this issue happen with other customers?
