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sophos install does not remove Symantec

I am trialing sophos central

I thought that installing Sophos Endpoint (the install file downloaded from Sophos Central portal) was meant to detect and remove third party security software.

I have a windows 10 desktop with an unmanaged install of Symantec endpoint protection V14.

when I run the sophos installer file, the installer starts with a screen that just has an install button. I click that button and it installs Sophos.

After the desktop restarts I am left with symantec and sophos both installed and running.

Am I mis-understanding this. Is there a way i can get the Sophos installer to remove symantec during the install?



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Parents Reply
  • i've sent you a PM, hopefully this will help.

    Currently you have to run the removal prior to deploying Sophos, but the team are looking to add Symantec Cloud removal to the Sophos installer so that this will all be done as part of a Sophos deployment.



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