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Running SDU remotely on a Mac

I need to run the SDU on a Mac which is a few miles away.  Is there anyway in which I can run SDU from the command line?  I am used to running the GUI interface on my Macs, but I could do with a CLI version, just like there is on Windows.  We have migrated to Sophos Central, if that helps.  I've scoured the Community site but haven't found anything yet.

Cheers, Ian

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  • Hi idtrimnell,

    Apologies, my bad I didn't think it through. As mentioned before we do not have any supported options for this and I just tried to do on my lab machine. I see that we can launch the SDU via terminal from /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/Tools/ or mount the SophosDiagnosticUtility.dmg and then launch the application. Either way, it requires someone to manually accept the end user license agreement in the UI.

    I will update you if I come across any other options to achieve this.


    Gowtham Mani
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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