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pointer to a document that lists which Server protection features are available on Linux vs. Windows?

I'm having to discover on a fairly case-by-case basis which features of Server Protection are actually not supported on Linux endpoints (most recently DLP).  Aside from the fact that it's absurd that some of these features are "Windows-only" when so many production servers run Linux, I'd like to see a clear document somewhere that at least told me what doesn't work on Linux.


couldn't find any such thing in Sophos docs/website.

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  • thanks... though the datasheet and the buyers guide very clearly DO NOT answer my question.   For example, please show me where on the Data Sheet it says that DLP is not supported on Linux?


    I'll follow up with our reseller ... but I find it troubling that it's not possible to get a clear answer on which features are supported on which operating systems from Sophos directly.   The pages you directed me to seem to suggest greater support for both Windows AND Linux than actually exists.... it's confusing and misleading if not outright incorrect.