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Sophos Central - How to recover a deleted device / user

Hello Sophos Community,

I was cleaning the list of seemingly inactive devices / user profiles in the sophos central control panel and I have deleted some devices / users that are still in use.

My question is how can i recover them, if necessary? Is there a section where the deleted devices / users go? Or since they are still active, they will be added back in my list once they update, scan or restart their devices?

Thanks in advance for your answer(s).



[locked by: FloSupport at 10:44 PM (GMT -7) on 16 Apr 2019]
  • Hi JerryBerry,

    As previously mentioned the deleted devices can be added again to central dashboard via AD sync or reinstallation. Since you have already deleted the devices before disabling the tamper protection you can try recovering the tamper protection password of those deleted devices as mentioned below to avoid rebooting the client in Safemode.

    1. Go to Logs & Reports.
    2. In Reports, under Endpoint & Server Protection, click Recover Tamper Protection passwords.
      You see a list of deleted devices.
    3. Find the device you want.
    4. In the Password(s) column, click View Details.
      This shows you the password (and previous passwords).


    Gowtham Mani
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hello Gowtham Mani,


    Thank you for your answer, this has indeed helped me.


    Cheers :-)

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